What policies and political processes promote the development of a just city? In a speech at the University of Zurich on November 16, 2021, Prof. Dr. Susan Fainstein from Harvard University reported on her extensive research and in particular on her widely acclaimed book “The Just City”. The following panel discussion focused on best practices and findings from a comparative case study on the cities of Zurich, Birmingham and Lyon, led by Dr. Oliver Dlabač in an interdisciplinary research team from the Universities of Zurich and Birmingham.
Published forum contributions:
Dlabac, Oliver, Roman Zwicky, Charlotte Hoole, Eric Chu and Liam O’Farrell (2021): “The Democratic Foundations of the Just City. Key Insights From a European Comparative Study“. disP – The Planning Review 57(4): 84–99. [link][pdf]
Dlabac, Oliver (2021): “Urban justice and the populist challenge. Interview with Susan S. Fainstein“. disP – The Planning Review 57(4): 100–103. [link][pdf]